10-12 March 2026
London, Excel


Stand No. M652

Why is this exhibit so special? What makes it newsworthy?

The AIRCOAT project is developing a bio-inspired solution that aims to reduce friction on ships, lowering fuel consumption and thus GHG emissions. This consists of a structured foil that retains air when submerged under water. Due to the lower viscosity of air in comparison to water and the air barrier, drag reduction as well as a limited attachment of fouling organisms is expected. AIRCOAT technology would also avoid the release of biocide anti-fouling substances into the water.

Who is this featured exhibit of use to?

The AIRCOAT foil would be used by commercial shipping companies and actors, marine and coating producers, shipbuilding companies, shipyards, shipowners in general, ferry lines.

What else will you particularly be featuring on your stand at the show?

Samples of the prototypes will be presented on our stand.

What else newsworthy can you tell us about your exhibits and your company?

The Air Induced friction Reducing ship COATing (AIRCOAT) project aims to develop a passive air lubrication technology bio-inspired by the Salvinia effect.The naturally occurring Salvinia effect allows the plant floating fern to breath under water by maintaining a permanent layer of air around it. The AIRCOAT project intends to implement this effect on a self-adhesive foil system. It is therefore a prime example of a biomimetic application where technology learns from nature.
Applying the AIRCOAT technology to ship-hull surfaces will produce a thin permanent air layer when submerged in water. This is aiming to reduce the overall frictional resistance while acting as a physical barrier between water and the hull surface. In addition to reducing energy consumption, the air barrier will inhibit the attachment of maritime organisms (biofouling).
The AIRCOAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N°764553

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