10-12 March 2026
London, Excel

Catching the momentum in ocean observing technology: optimising value and data provision (EOOS Technology Forum 2024)

Location: Oceanology International, Excel, London South Gallery Room SG5
Date and time: Wednesday 13th March 2024, Full day (09:45-17:45)

Please note: You must register for Oceanology International and then register for this event using the link below.

To increase the value and sustainability of ocean observing platforms and systems, observers have turned their attention toward technologies that can deliver data from greater coverage at effective cost. The European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) is the infrastructure, platforms, sensors and people that gather the required data and information about Europe’s ocean, seas and coastal waters.

The 2024 EOOS Technology Forum will bring together technology developers, manufacturers and users to exchange knowledge on platforms and sensors of all types, costs and levels of technical sophistication with the goal to enhance accessibility of ocean observations. Key technological issues such as ease of maintenance, evolution and adaptation, ease of deployment and sustainability, will be discussed. The event will identify and promote emerging synergies in the technology community to advance the optimisation of ocean observing worldwide.

The focus of this event will explore the technologies and systems transforming the ongoing operations of critical marine observing infrastructure and initiatives. The innovation and practical steps needed to expand capabilities in terms of value, return-on-investment and data provision while continuing to preserve functional cost-effectiveness and asset integrity will also be discussed.


Session topic/Presentation

09:45 -10:00

Opening Venue


Session #1: Accessible technology: Needs of the ocean observing community

Moderator: Laurent Delauney (Ifremer) and Virginie van Dongen-Vogels (EuroGOOS)


This opening session aims to understand the technology needs of the ocean observing community, and how accessible technologies can be key in efforts to realise the fully operational European Ocean Observing System (EOOS). Accessible ocean observing technologies are those that are readily available to the community, and present high value with regards to investment and data provision.

Accessible technologies present a means to observe the ocean, meeting the needs of all users, in an affordable, reliable manner, with solutions that are easy to deploy and maintain, adaptable to changing needs, able to evolve with new developments, avoiding redundancy. To truly meet the needs of the ocean observing community, it is essential that the data quality of observations is known. Technologies must also be sustainable, both in terms of their environmental impact, and their long-term prospects in the business models of manufacturers and service providers.

This session will set the scene for the EOOS Technology Forum 2024, detailing the technology needs of developing observing networks or systems at regional and global scales.


Joseph Nolan - EuroGOOS
Patrick Gorringe - SMHI
Viviana Piermattei - CMCC, CoastPredict
Dominique Durand - COVARTEC, JERICO
Zdenka Willis - GOOS\MTS


Coffee Break


Session #2: Opportunities and challenges for accessible ocean observing technologies

Moderator: Jean-François Rolin and Jessica Sandoval (DOOS)


Within this session, the invited panellists represent both new and well-established ocean observation technologies and networks, with a lens toward ‘low-cost’, accessible instrumentation.

This session will overview the current challenges confronting the field of accessible ocean observing technology (i.e., sensors and platforms), and highlight current innovations and successes that are expanding the field and progressing towards an accessible ocean. 

The session will culminate in assessing future collaboration and technological opportunities within a global context, identifying priorities for accessible design, effective low-cost alternatives, and broadening participation within ocean research.


Carlos Dominguez-Carrió - Okeanos, University of Azores, Azor Drift Cam
Thibaut Pollina - FairScope/PlanktoScope
Breanna Motsenbocker - University of Rhode Island
Inger Graves - Aanderaa-Xylem
Yves Degré - NKE
Carles Castro Muniain - FVON, Ocean Data Network
Collin Closek - Synchro, Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions


Lunch Break


Session #3: Data quality aspects of accessible ocean observing technologies

Moderator: Lucie Cocquempot (Ifremer) and Patrick Gorringe (SMHI)


We need the best data to do the best science. But to what extent should data quality be balanced with other considerations for ocean observing technologies (cost, environmental impact, etc.)? In recent years, the question has evolved from "What to do with our data?" to "How to deal with our data?". This is due in part to the transformative call of the UN Ocean Decade for "The science we need for the ocean we want", catalysing a paradigm shift from "observing what we can" to "observing what we need". Accessible ocean observing technologies play a key role in this shift, but understanding data quality remains imperative. 

In this session the panel will explore the whole ocean data value chain, covering preparation and calibration, collection and acquisition, data management, transformation to information (product and service development), and advice to society and information decisions.


Dick Schaap - MARIS, BlueCloud
Rob Craft - NOC Calibration Lab
Susan Hartman - MINKE
Justin Buck - BODC
Anahita Laverack - Oshen
Antoine Cousot - Oceanovox
Theo Mourra - Coastal-e solutions


Coffee Break


Session #4: Sustainability aspects of accessible ocean observing technologies

Moderator: Peer Fietzek (Kongsberg Discovery) and Dominique Durand (Covartec AS)


This session addresses three dimensions of sustainability related to ocean observing technology with a specific focus on how these might be affected through a change towards more accessible solutions. The first dimension represents (i) economical sustainability and viability of ocean observing products. The second one comprises (ii) the environmental sustainability and footprint or the greening of ocean observations. While the third dimension covers (iii) political and regulatory sustainability related to observations of the ocean.

Short impulse presentations will set the scene and be followed by a panel discussion that also engages the audience.

Interested Ocean Enterprise stakeholders with private, public or academic job affiliations are invited to join and contribute to the discussion. Ocean observing technology developers, data users, blue economy company representatives, innovation enablers, members of the science and ocean literacy community, to select some examples, are all invited to listen and add to the discussion on sustainability aspects of ocean observing technology.


Peer Fietzek - Kongsberg Discovery
Océane Barre - Seaber
Lucie Cocquempot - IFREMER
Amy West - Synchro
James Kirkbride - Chelsea
Greg Johnson - RBR
Brian Connon - Saildrone


Closing Session


Henning Wehde - EuroGOOS Chair, IMR
Laurent Delauney - IFREMER